Our vision is that Friends’ Prep should be a caring and supportive community for all. We believe that a whole-school approach to creating a happy, healthy environment creates an ethos of wellbeing that leads to better engagement and improved academic achievement of learners.
Pastoral Structures
School Life
Pastoral Structures
Our Safeguarding Team of Mrs Watson, Mrs Monteith, Mrs Connolly and Miss Lynch plan whole school pastoral care and personal development events, as well as ensuring that individual pupils and their families are supported in a personal way when necessary.
- Mrs Watson is Designated Teacher for Child Protection.
- Mrs Monteith is Pastoral Lead Teacher and Deputy Designated Teacher for Child Protection.
- Mrs Connolly is Learning Support Co-ordinator and has responsibility for pupils with Special Educational Needs.
- Miss Lynch is Digital Skills Co-ordinator and takes responsibility for e-safety in the Prep.

Pupils and Parents are encouraged to approach class teachers or Mrs Watson and Mrs Monteith with any pastoral concerns. This flow chart (child protection flowchart) shows the structure in place to report Child Protection issues.
Friends’ Prep is an Operation Encompass school. Operation Encompass is an information safeguarding partnership between schools and the PSNI. It enables schools to offer immediate support to children experiencing domestic abuse. A telephone call is made to Mrs Watson after an incident of police attended domestic abuse where there are Friends’ Prep pupils present. This sharing of information enables appropriate support to be given, dependent upon the needs of the child.
Each year, we have a Wellbeing Week that focuses on a specific aspect of mental or physical health. In addition, special assemblies and activities are planned annually for Anti-Bullying Week in November and Safer Internet Day in February.
“Friends’ Prep is good because everyone is kind. Everyone is your friend if you need help.“